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The other variable is doubled

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Q: For two variables in a direct proportion what Is the result of doubling one variable?
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In an experiment if doubling the manipulated variable results in a doubling of the responding variable the relationship between the variables is a?

it is a direct relationship -eli martin

What is the relationship in which the ratio of the manipulated variables and the responding variables is constant?

Direct Proportion

Relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable?

direct proportion

What is the result on the other of two variables in a direct proportion when one is doubled?

When one is doubled, the other is doubled.

What is the relationship between the variables in an experiment if you double the manipulated variables resulting in a doubling of the responding variables?

it is a direct relationship -eli martin

What is definition of inverse and direct proportion?

Direct proportion means as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable increases, and vice versa. Inverse propostion means just the opposite. As the independent variable increses, the dependent variable decreases, and vice versa.

What does constant of proportion mean?

If two variables are in direct relationship then the ratio of the two variables is known as the constant of proportion between them. In algebraic form, if X and Y are the two variables, then direct proportionality implies that Y = cX and c is the constant of proportionality.

When two variables increase or decrease together in the same ratio they?

Are in direct proportion

What is the relationship between two variables quantities with a constant ratio?

It is a direct proportion.

What is the direct proportion?

Two variables, X and Y, are said to be in direct proportion if X/Y is a constant. Equivalently, Y = cX for some constant c.

What does it mean when two variables have a positive correlation?

A positive correlation between two variables means that there is a direct correlation between the variables. As one variable increases, the other variable will also increase.

If the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable is a direct proportion. What will a line graph of this look like?

straight line