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the frequency = 1/T where T is the time period of the wave so in this case T = 1/4 so f = 4

therefore the wave has a frequency of 4Hz

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Q: Four complete waves pass a duck in one second what is it's frequency?
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Which are the four properties that all waves have?

The main properties of waves are defined below. * Amplitude: the height of the wave, measured in meters. * Wavelength: the distance between adjacent crests, measured in meters. * Period: the time it takes for one complete wave to pass a given point, measured in seconds. * Frequency: the number of complete waves that pass a point in one second, measured in inverse seconds, or Hertz (Hz). * Speed: the horizontal speed of a point on a wave as it propagates, measured in meters / second.

When the frequency and wavelength are known answerer?

Frequency refers to how many waves pass a fixed point in a unit of time. Frequency is measured in Hertz, or Hz, and one Hertz means a single wave passes a given fixed point in one second. Wavelength refers to the length of an entire wave, so either from crest to crest or trough to trough. If you know how many waves pass a given point in a unit of time, which is frequency, and how long the waves are, which is wavelength, you can find the wave's speed. For example, if a wave has a frequency of 10 Hz, so ten waves pass a given point in a second, and it has a wavelength of four meters, you multiply the frequency by the wavelength to find that the waves are traveling at 40 meters per second.

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wavelengh, frequency,amplitude, and wave speed

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First of all, sound waves propagate away from the source, not toward it.Next, if four sound waves reached the same point at the same time, there's no reasonwhy they couldn't all have the same amplitude, frequency, speed, and wavelength.Next question ?

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Period = (4 seconds) / (2 waves) = 2 seconds per wave Frequency = (2 waves) / (4 seconds) = 0.5 Hz.

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Amplitude - perceived in terms of loudness /dB/ - the greater the amplitude is the louder the sound. Frequency - the number of oscillations per second. the higher the frequency is the higher on scale of pitch. It perceived in terms of pitch /Hz/ Simplicity/complexity - combination of amplitude and frequency. complex sound waves involve waves of different frequencies superimposed to one another. it is perceived as Quality of sound. Wave lenght - duration of time. reflection of sound wave : Quantity /m per sec/

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What is the frequency of these waves As you sit on a dock you notice a wave crest pass. You count another four wave crests in the next 12 seconds?

20 waves per minute. (or 1 every 3 seconds)

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Frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) = 0.6 / 0.04 = 15 Hz.