

Gravity is one of the four?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Forces in nature (weak, electromagnetic, strong are the other forces)

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Q: Gravity is one of the four?
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Is the formation of gravity a chemical reaction?

No. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces, and has nothing to do with chemistry.

What is a definition of gravity?

Gravitation, or gravity, is one of the four fundamental interactions of nature (along with the strong force, electromagnetism and the weak force), in which objects with mass attract one another.

Why is gravity called a force?

Because it is a force. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear, strong nuclear or color force).Gravity causes mass to accelerate. F = ma. Gravity must therefore be a force.

Gravity is one of how many basic forces?

There are four fundamental or basic forces, including the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravity.

What is gravity if it is not a force?

Gravity really is one of the four main forces of the Universe. gravity is an effect and not the cause of anything, no gravitation's, no gravity waves, none of it. gravity is a dynamic effect. the acceleration of the underlying for of energy focused to the center of a mass. there is no separate force called gravity, just a dynamic effect we call 'gravity'

How many consonants r in gravity?

Four are.

5 erosion and deposition agents?

The agents of erosion are wind, water, ice, and gravity.

Which of the 4 terrestrial planets has the most gravity?

Earth is the largest and most massive of the four inner or terrestrial planets. Its surface gravity is therefore the highest of the four.

What is the term graviation related to?

Do you mean "gravitation"? Gravitation is related to the force of gravity, which is one of the four fundamental forces in the Universe.

Gravity is a force of what?

Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. Any two objects possessing mass will exert a gravitational force on one another . Newton was the first to describe this forceFg = G M1 M2/r2

All objects with mass attract each other with what kind of force?

The gravitational force (weakest of the four fundamental forces) is the one that comes into play in the situation you describe.

What is the attractive force that all objects exert on one another?

There are four fundamental forces in our universe that dictate how matter and energy interact. One of the forces, gravity, causes anything with mass, i.e. anything made of atoms, to attract other massive objects. Gravity is the weakest of the four forces and is one of the most difficult to explain.