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Q: Hinduism is a monotheistic religion true or false?
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How do you choose one monotheistic religion when there are several with equal validity and what makes that one true and all others false?

First of all, there is no reason you must choose a monotheistic religion, since there is nothing that makes monotheistic religions inherently superior to polytheistic religions such as Hinduism or some forms of Buddhism. You could, if you wish, broaden your research. Each of the Abrahmic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is monotheistic, as are Zoroastrianism, Sikhism and others. And each claims to be the true religion. The validity of each monotheistic religion, in fact of all religions, is a matter of faith, and faith alone. In spite of earnest protestations, there is no available evidence to show that one such religion is more true than any of the others. Some say that all are false. You should simply choose a religion that you feel comfortable with, but you will never be able to know whether that was the most 'true' choice.

Is it true that Hinduism is the oldest world religion?

it is a true and the oldest religion in the world this was 1700 before Christianity

Is Hinduism Monotheistic polytheistic or nonthestic?

Hinduism is originally monotheistic, it Believes in one true god. it also has many gods due to the reason that the one true god took many Incarnation (avatāra) to sustain life.

Which statements about the Islamic religion are accurate A Muhammad claimed to be a divine descendant of Allah B Islam is a monotheistic religion C Islam was founded on the teac?

Unfortunately, not having the full statements will make this more difficult to answer. (A) is False; (B) is True; (C) is Imcomplete and therefore could be true or false.

True or false music is a very important part of the practice of Hinduism?


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Is Hinduism montotheistic or polytheistic?

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion because it has thousands of gods. And to clarify there is no way is could be atheist because atheist means you have no religion.Hinduism is holistic:Hinduism is a holistic religion. It covers the entire spectrum of religious possibilities. Monotheistic Hinduism:Brahman is the supreme god of Hinduism. The aim of Hinduism is to become one with Brahman. Hinduism has studied the supreme god more thoroughly than any other religion.If we worship just Brahman then Hinduism would be monotheistic. However, Brahman is a state at which nothing changes. Thus, by itself, it is not compatible with social life.A monotheistic religion must have a messenger of god and a code of conduct. Hinduism has neither of the two.Polytheistic Hinduism:This is the Hinduism the world is familiar with. In this there are seven basic gods, incarnations of Vishnu, goddesses, their children and associated gods.Polytheistic Hinduism is practical Hinduism. In this scheme Brahman is not a must. In fact, most Hindus don't even know that there is a Hindu god called Brahman.Atheistic Hinduism:There is one and only part in the human body that is under our control. It is our skeletal muscular system. Any thing we control or anything that controls us must work via the skeletal muscular system only.All the Hindu gods are actually centers of gravity of our body, those in the upper part of our body facilitating movements and those lower down facilitation thinking and dreaming.All the Hindu gods can be appeased just through meditation and thus Hinduism lays great emphasis on meditation. Rituals are not an absolute must.Thus, Hinduism can be reduced to a set of Isometric exercises.It is for this reason that Hinduism believes that that 'I am the supreme god'.Atheistic Hinduism eradicates blind beliefs and unnecessary rituals. It is Hinduism in hibernation and thus used when it is under attack.Thus, Hinduism is a Holistic religion and thus can't be considered as monotheistic, polytheistic or atheistic.

Is Hinduism religion increasing followers?

Yes, World Comming To Hinduism (The True Vadic & Scientifically proven religion)

True or false that the followers of zoroastrianism believed that there were many gods?

false. Zoroasterism is a monotheistic religion that has one God: Ahura Mazda who is the "Lord of Wisdom or Light." They do, however, believe in an evil force or a satan if you will, called Angra Mainyu.

Hinduism began around 3000 BC in the indus valley of Egypt true or false?


What is the true religion in the bible?

the real religion is really christian i am christian and jesus is the only one god To the person who wrote the above statement, How do you know that? What makes Christianity correct and all other monotheistic religions false? There is not a single shred of proof that Christianity is any more valid than any other monotheistic religion, therefor how can you "know" that Christianity is the one true religion? What if you're wrong?

Is the religion of Buddhism true or false?

NO, Christianity is the only true religion.Answer:All religions are true to their adherents and regarded as false (or at least questionable) to most other religions. No test is available to prove if a religion is true or false. In the case of Buddhism, it works as either a philosophy or a religion.