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Q: How many times does r=2+sin( θ) pass through x=1 in cartesian co-ordinates?
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Why is it some times called the Cartesian Plane?

It was invented by Rene Descartes.

What is x squared plus 25 times y squared equals 50?

It is the Cartesian equation of an ellipse.

What is the area of a quadrilateral with coodinates at -1 4 and 3 7 and 5 2 and -5 -17?

Coordinates: (-1, 4) (3, 7) (5, 2) (-1, 4) When plotted on the Cartesian plane its diagonals of 2 times square root of 10 and 8 times square root of 10 will intersect each other at right angles. Area of the quadrilateral: 0.5 times the product of its diagonals = 80 square units

How do you find the area of a rectangle if you have coordinates?

multiply width times length

What is the area of the quadrilateral ABCD whose vertices are at -1 4 and 3 7 and 5 2 and -4 -17 respectively on the Cartesian plane?

Its diagonals intersect each other at right angles when plotted on the Cartesian plane Its diagonal lengths are 2 times square root of 10 and 8 times square root of 10 Its area is 0.5 times product of its diagonals equals 80 square units

What are the coordinates of the equation Y times 3 times X plus 2?

x=0 y=0 2 is the y axis and 3 is the x you go up three over to the right 1. so then the coordinates would be (0,2) and (1,5) ;P

What is Rcos theta and Rsin Theta?

They are the projections, onto the x and y [Cartesian] axes, of a point whose polar coordinates are (R, theta). It's a common Trig way to express a point when a radius is rotated around a given angle. For example, where exactly would the edge of a two foot gate lie if the gate opened 30 degrees? R is two feet. Two times cosine 30 is the x coordinate and two times sine 30 is the y coordinate.

What is 2 times 2 if it's not 4?

Since 2*2=4 in Euclidean and Cartesian geometry, there must be a trick. The easiest answer would be 11 (base 3) ■

What is the perpendicular distance from the point 2 4 to the straight line equation of y equals 2x plus 10 on the Cartesian plane?

It works out as: 2 times the square root of 5

How do you plot points of the Cartesian plane?

Given a point, let's say (1,4) that you want to plot on the cartesian plane, find 1 on the x axis and 4 on the y axis. Now, draw lines up from the 1 and across from the 4. The place these two lines meet is the point (1,4). After you do it a few times, you will draw the lines in your head and not on paper.

What is the formula for a circle?

Formula of a circle in a Cartesian plane: (x-h)^2+ (y-k)^2 = r^2 where the center is at (h,k) and the radius is r.

How do you compute for volume from coordinates?

It depends on the shape you are attempting to compute the volume of. If you are attempting to compute the volume of a box (eight sides, each perpendicular), then it is simply length times width times height.