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Q: How to prepare 80% ethanol from 70% I have limited 200 proof but a lot of 70%?
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Does the proof of alcohol go over 200 proof?

Yes, there is such a thing as 200 (175) Proof alcohol: it is pure ethanol itself.

How does one prepare 95 percent of ethanol from 100 percent?

Find the volume of the 100% ethanol Add 1/19 of water to the volume (if it is like 190ml, add 10ml of water since 190/200=95%)

What is the difference between 100 percent alcohol and absolute alcohol?

100% pure ethanol is 200 proof. vodka is distilled until it is almost totally pure alcohol and then cut with water to give it its final alcohol content and unique flavour, depending on the source of the water.absolute alcohol n.Ethyl alcohol containing no more than one percent water.Chemists may buy absolute (200 proof, 100% pure) ethanol, and though absolute vodka is nowhere near 200 proof, I assume that's where they got the name from

What is the strongest alcohol drink?

Everclear***Everclear is actually 190-proof (95%) Believe me, I have had a lot and always pick up a bottle when I am visiting in SCEverclear, a 180-proof (90 percent ethanol) distilled spirit.Technically, the strongest possible is 200-proof (by American standards) grain alcohol. It is 100% ethanol and is usually made by moonshiners in refraction stills.I dont remember the name but theres a drink that is only leagaly sold in Poland that is close to 100% pure ethanol!!!

If alcohol reaches its boiling point will water remain?

A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water actually boils at a lower temperature than either pure ethanol or pure water (the word for this is azeotrope). This is why you don't see liquors higher than 190 proof; that's essentially the maximum possible ethanol concentration you can get from distillation. It is possible to get 200 proof/100% ethanol ("absolute alcohol" in chemistry jargon) but it requires a more complicated and expensive procedure than ordinary distillation. If the starting material of the distillation was more than 95% ethanol then ethanol will remain; if it was less then water will remain.

The latent heat of vaporization of ethanol is 200 calories gram. This means that?

about 200 calories of heat must be added to 1 gram of ethanol to convert it from a liquid to a gas

What is 90 proof alcohol?

90 proof means the alcohol content is 45%, by volume.200 proof = 100%180 proof = 90%and so on.

How can a sample of ethyl alcohol be rendered unsafe to drink?

A sample of ethanol may have other additives added to the solution. Typically a laboratory can purchase either denatured ethanol or pure ethanol. Denatured ethanol may have acetone, isopropyl alcohol, methanol, or other volatile solvents that are poisonous for ingestion. It prevents other people from drinking this stock of ethanol: it will not only taste bad, but it will have other serious side effects. Most chemistry and biology work can tolerate using denatured alcohol, especially if it is used mainly to clean the benches. However, DNA extractions which require 200 proof ethanol can not tolerate contaminants.

Ethanol can be produced for what?

The means in the ethanol creation process incorporate processing the corn to supper, melting the feast by including water and cooking, separating starch into sugar, utilizing yeast to mature the sugar to ethanol, refining the ethanol by bubbling off and gathering it by expelling remaining water.Dexterous DMCC is a company that will provide High-Quality Ethanol From Direct Plant .our Product 190 and 200 Proof.even you are looking for Denatured Ethanol OR Non-Denatured Ethanol

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Octopus Cards Limited's population is 200.

What energy source is likely to run out in the next 200 years?

Ethanol, hydroelectricity, and solar power are renewable resources that are not likely to run out in the next 200 years.

One half of the proof of alcohol?

100% pure alcohol is 200 proof. So 100 proof is 50% alcohol.