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A cube is technically a special case of the rectangular prism, where all sides are the same length (and all faces have the same area), just as a square is technically a special case of rectangle. The only difference is that a rectangular prism may be any rectangular shape, including one which is taller than it is wide, wider than it is long, etc.

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Q: How are a rectangle prism and a cube alike and different?
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How is a cube different from a rectangular prism?

A cube is like a square and a rectangular prism is like a rectangle.

How are a cube and a rectangular prism alike and different?

They are alike, because they both have square bottoms. They are different, because the rectangular prism is longer.

How are a cube and a rectangle alike?

they are not alike. A rectangle is 2 dimensional, a cube is 3 dimensional

How are a cube and a rectangular prism alike and are they different?

a cube is a 3d pop out type of figure,and a retangluar prism is wider and more retangle than a cube. A cube and a square are alike because they are the same shape but they are different size angles and shaps on there verices.

How are a cube and a rectangle prism alike?

They both have 6 facesThey both have 12 edgesThey both have 8 vertices

Square is to rectangle as cube is?

square is rectangle as cube is to rectangular prism

What is the base of a cube prism?


How are a cube and a rectangular prism and how are they different?

They are totaly differant shapes all together. A cube is like a 3D square, a rectangular prism is like a 3D rectangle.

Is a cube and cylinder alike?

yes! A cube is a type of prism. A prism is a subcategory of a cylinder. Then I cube is a type of cylinder

How a cube and a rectangular prism alike?

A cube is a rectangular prism in which each edge is of the same length.

Is a cube a type of rectangular prism?

A cube is a type of rectangular prism because every square is a rectangle.

Can a cube be a rectangular prism?

A cube cannot be a rectangular prism, as the cross section of this prism would be a rectangle, as opposed to a square. A square prism (if that is what it is called) could be a cube, but is not necessarily.