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Q: How are different measuring devices useful?
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Related questions

How useful are measuring devices?


How are useful measuring devices in your daily life?

to determining various quantities


Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

Who is invented the measuring device?

Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

Different measuring devices?


How are different measuring devices usefull?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.

What are laser measuring devices used for?

Laser measuring devices are generally used in construction-related work. Uses of laser measuring devices in such a situation include measuring distance, and seeing if an object is level.

What are the different measuring devices from ancient to modern time?

sandclock ;sundial; waterclock

Different instrument or devices length by measuring the length?

ruler and tape measure

What are the different devices used in measuring temperature?

thermometers. there are many kinds used.

How are different Measurement devices?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.

What are measuring devices?

measuring devices different according to the parameter you want to measure. weight is measure using weighing balance temperature is measure using a thermometer, or thermistor. length is measured using ruler. and so on