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Q: How are hexagonal prisim and pyramids alike?
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What is the difference between hexagonal and rectangular prism?

A hexagonal prism has bases that are hexagonal. It has eight faces in all (octahedron).A rectangular prism has bases that are rectangles . It has six faces in all (hexahedron).

What geometric shape has 8 equilateral faces?

hexagonal prisim

How is a hexagonal prism and a hexagonal pyramid alike?

Both have at least one hexagonal face (base) ?

How are hexagonal prisms and hexagonal pyramids different?

A hexagonal prism has hexagons at each end whereas a hexagonal pyramid has a hexagonal base and an apex. The numbers of faces, shapes of the faces, numbers of edges and vertices are all different.

How are pyramids and cubes alike?

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What 3-dimensional figure has 12 faces 8 vertices and 18 edges?

A hexagonal dipyramid - two hexagonal pyramids stuck together along their hexagonal face..

How is a hexagonal prism alike to a hexagonal pyramid?

Both have at least one hexagonal face (base). Both have six faces that are topologically equivalent (either rectangles, or triangles).

What things in the world are hexagonal based pyramids?

Honeycomb cells, Buckminster fullerene tubes.

Do you have pictures of hexagonal pyramids?

I posted a link to one just below in related links.

What are the names of 4 different pyramids?

The three pyramids that i know of is a :) Triangular based pyramid :) Square based pyramid :) Hexagonal based pyramid

How are a rectangular and a triangular pyramid alike?

Rectangular pyramids and triangular pyramids both have triangular faces.

What polyhedron has 18 edges?

There are many possibilities. Some of them are: A nonagon-based pyramid. A hexagonal prism. A hexagonal dipyramid (two hexagon-based pyramids stuck together on their bases).