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Q: How are paraellograms and trapazoids alike?
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What are some shapes with 4 sides?

squares and rectangles. and trapazoids

What quadrilaterals have opposite sides congruent?

Slanted polygons, rectangles, squares, trapazoids, kites

What quadrilateral has 1 pair of parallel sides and 2 pairs of equal adjacent?

I think trapazoids. but I am not sure.

How are squares and rectangles paraellograms?

A parallelogram is any quadrilateral in which both sets of opposite sides are parallel, or will never intersect. Squares and rectangles (both quadrilaterals) satisfy that condition, and so would rhombus.

Easy 7th grade math question how do you find the area of a hexagon?

Cut in half to make two trapazoids and find the area of one of the trapazoids. Don't forget to multiply the answers by two becasue you only found the area of half of the hexagon. If you want to get really tricky or forget the trapazoid formula then cut in in sixths and find the area of a triangle. Then multiply the answer by six.

Can a trapezoid have 3 sides?

Nope. trapazoids are quadrilaterals, making then automatically 4-sided. Triangles are the only 2-D shapes with 3 sides.

Can there be an irregular trapezoid?

No are you silly? There is no suh thing dont believe the people who say there is they are all haterz you xan also log on and join the ban the trapazoids of amerixa.

Squares have four congruent sides and four angles that measure 45 degrees. True or False?

Squares, rectangles, and rhombi are types of Trapazoids