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Positive numbers go to the right of zero, negative numbers go to the left of zero.

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Q: How are positive and negative numbers placed on a number line?
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Explain what opposite numbers are?

They are the numbers that are placed on a number line that are exact same distance away from 0

How can zero be greater than -1 because zero itself means nothing?

The number 0 (zero) does in fact mean something. Zero is a number just as real as 3 or -4. Consider the integers:{..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}These can be placed on a number line. The greater numbers are found further to the right and the lesser numbers are found further to the left. We find that the value 0 is further to the right than the value -1, so we can conclude that 0 > -1.Finally, zero is a number just like any other. A unique property of 0 is that it is neither positive nor negative. This means that 0 is greater than all negative numbers and less than all positive numbers. Thus, 0 > -1 because 0 is always greater than any negative number.

Where are the positive rational number placed on a horizontal number line?

above 0

What happens when opposite poles of a magnet are placed near each other?

Positive and negative attract, or goes together. Positive and positive or Negative and Negative repell, or push away from one anothe

What is an ambrotype?

An ambrotype is an early type of photograph in which a glass negative appears positive when placed on a black background.

Can the answers of factorials be decimals?

No. Factorials can only be placed on positive whole numbers or 0. For example, 0!, 1!, and 6! are all fine, but 2.5! and (-1)! are not. Since factorials can only be placed on whole numbers, that means you will only be multiplying whole numbers. 100! = 100 * 99 * 98 ... * 1; all those numbers are whole numbers, meaning your answer will be a whole number.

What number can be placed between 0.55 and 0.6?

There are infinitely many numbers that can be placed: one such is 0.5500000000005637

Can rational numbers be placed on the number line?

well every integer fraction whole number natural number are rational number's surely rational numbers are represented on a number line and as rational numbers are the real numbers

Why natural number different from real number?

A natural number is a positive integer. This means that it does not include numbers such as 1.5, 0 or -3 A real number is any number that can be placed on a number line (at a basic level, it can be said that all numbers are real, but when maths starts to get a little more complicated [for example when doing the square root of -1], this is not the case)

A negatively charged object is placed within a positive electric field. what happens to the object?

Electric Field between positive and negative charges. If the Electric Field in which both the positive and negative charges are present is stronger than the Electric Field between the two charges we are talking about, the the negative charge will move away from the positive charge in that positive direction of the field. If not, then the negative charge will get attracted to the positive charge and stay at the position of the positive charge. It will be pulled toward the source of the electric field. (Novanet)

How do you locate a fraction and decimals on a number line?

On a number line used to illustrate values in the study of math, integers or whole numbers are spaced evenly, and fractions are in between the whole numbers. Positive nubmers are to the right of zero and negative to the left. On the positive side, a fraction is placed to the right of the next smaller and to the left of the next larger whole number. It doesn't matter whether you are representing fractions as common fractions (as 5/8 for five eighths) or decimals (as .625). Either way, this number would be to the right of zero and do the left of one. 17.4 would be between 17 and 18.