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They are both quadrilaterals with 4 equal sides

They both have 2 diagonals that bisect each other at 90 degrees

They both have 4 exterior and 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees respectively

A square has 4 right angles but a rhombus has 2 equal opposite obtuse angles and 2 equal opposite acute angles

A rhombus looks like a tilted square

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Q: How are squares and rhombus alike and how are they different?
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How are rhombus and squares alike?

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They are both quadrilaterals. All the sides of a rhombus are of the same length. This is not true of a trapezium.

How is a square and a rhombus different?

A square has all right angles, whereas a rhombus does not.

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A square rhombus is a square. All squares are rhombi but not all rhombi are squares.

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There are many different quadrilaterals such as squares, trapezoids, rectangles, rhombus and parallelogram.

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Are all quadrilaterales squares?

No. A rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram, or 4-sided figure with sides of 4 different lengths, are also quadrilaterals, but not squares.