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Exponential growth goes infinitely up. Exponential decay goes infinitely over always getting closer to the x axis but never reaching it.

ADDED: An exponential decay trace's flat-looking region has its own special name: an "asymptote".

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Q: How are the graphs of exponential growth and exponential decay functions different?
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Differentiate a logistic growth pattern from an exponential growth pattern?

Exponential functions increase for all values of x, Logistic growth patterns appear to increase exponentially however they eventually platou out on a maximum y value

Do all exponential functions show growth over time?

If the exponent has the variable of time in it, then it will be either exponential growth (such as compound interest for example), or exponential decay (such as radioactive materials, or a capacitor discharging). If the time constant (coefficient of the time variable) is positive then it is growth, if the time constant is negative, then it is decay.

What is a growth factor in exponential growth?

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How are exponential growth patterns similar to and different from linear growth patterns?

They are similar because the population increases over time in both cases, and also because you are using a mathematical model for a real-world process. They are different because exponential growth can get dramatically big and bigger after a fairly short time. Linear growth keeps going up the same amount each time. Exponential growth goes up by more each time, depending on what the amount (population) is at that time. Linear growth can start off bigger than exponential growth, but exponential growth will always win out.

What are the real life examples of exponential functions?

Compound interest, depreciation, bacterial growth, radioactive decay etc.

What is the origin of exponential growth?

Exponential growth does not have an origin: it occurs in various situations in nature. For example if the rate of growth in something depends on how big it is, then you have exponential growth.

What is the validity of projections of an arithmetic graph of an exponential growth?

The validity of the projection depends on the validity of the model. If the model is valid over the domain in question then the projection is valid within that domain. If the model is not then the projection is not. And that applies to all kinds of graphs - not just exponential.

What is the difference exponential growth and decay?

They are incredibly different acceleration patterns. Exponential growth is unbounded, whereas exponential decay is bounded so as to form a "dynamic equilibrium." This is why exponential decay is so typical of natural processes. To see work I have done in explaining exponential decay, go to the page included in the related links.

Exponential growth and decay functions are written in standard form as Ft equals A0 bkt where A0 is an initial amount k is the growth rate and t is?
