177 square kilometers
825.29 km2
496 km2
17,139,445 square miles and 44,391,162 square kilometers
Sweden is larger in land area than the UK. Sweden covers approximately 450,295 square kilometers, while the UK covers around 243,610 square kilometers.
177 square kilometers
The United Kingdom covers a surface of 94,058 square miles. This is equivalent to 243,620 square kilometers which includes land and water bodies. .
69484 square kilometers is equivalent to about 26,811 square miles.
103000 square kilometers
3,000 acres = 4.6874 square miles = 12.1406 square kilometers (rounded)
No, the Philippines is not bigger than the UK in terms of land area. The UK is around 243,000 square kilometers, while the Philippines is around 300,000 square kilometers.
The Philippines has a total land area of 300,000 square kilometers.
Nairobi covers an area of about 696 square kilometers.
45227 square kilometers.