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Gravitational energy already IS gravitational energy; what exactly do you want to convert? With a see-saw, or a similar lever, or a system of ropes, you can transfer gravitational energy from one object to another.

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Q: How can a gravitational energy converted to gravitational energy?
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How can Gravitational Potential energy be transformed?

If a body with gravitational potential energy is allowed to fall, then the potential energy is converted (mostly) to kinetic energy.

What energy is created from a gravitational field?

Gravitational potential energy (often abbreviated to GE) which is then converted to kinetic energy when somebody falls.

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Not directly; the two are independent. But if an object with gravitational potential energy falls, that energy may be converted to kinetic energy.

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The pendulum's momentum or kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy until all of the kinetic energy is converted. The pendulum stops.

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Gravitational potential energy IS mechanical energy. Mechanical energy includes both kinetic energy, and potential energy.When an object falls, gravitational potential energy will be converted to KINETIC energy.

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The same as when anything falls. Gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

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Some of its potential energy changes to kinetic energy.

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