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Find the least common denominator. Multiply each fraction by whatever will make it the LCD.
Example: 1/30 and 1/42
Factor them.
2 x 3 x 5 = 30
2 x 3 x 7 = 42
Combine the factors, eliminating duplicates.
2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210, the LCD
30 x 7 = 210
42 x 5 = 210
1/30 x 7/7 = 7/210
1/42 x 5/5 = 5/210

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Q: How can you change dissimilar fraction to similar fraction?
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Why do you have to change similar fraction to dissimilar fraction?

You don't.

How do you solve dissimilar fraction?

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How do you change dissimilar fraction into similar fraction?

Simplify your answer into lowest term.Do the operation.

What is the definition of similar and dissimilar fractions?

similar fraction is the same denominator and dissimilar fraction is cannot the same denominators

How do you do dissimilar to similar fraction?

The answer depends on WHAT you want to do with them.

How do you compare fractions in terms of similar and dissimilar fractions?

You can compare similar fractions by looking at their numerators. You can compare dissimilar fractions by converting them to similar fractions and looking at their numerators. You can convert a dissimilar fraction to a similar fraction by finding the least common denominator.

How do you change dissimilar fraction?

The answer will depend on what you want to change them to!

What is similar fraction and disimilar fractions?

Similar fractions have the same denominator, dissimilar ones don't.

How can dissimilar fraction be in similar fraction?

Because they could be equivalent fractions as for example 3/4 is the same as 12/16

What are equivalent similar and dissimilar fraction?

Equivalent fractions have the same value. 3/4 is equivalent to 6/8 Similar fractions have the same denominator. 3/5 is similar to 4/5 Dissimilar fractions have different denominators. 4/7 is dissimilar to 11/16

How do you add the dissimilar fraction?

You have to convert them to equivalent similar fractions (fractions with the same denominator) first.

Definition of dissimilar fractions?

A dissimilar fraction is a fraction where the denominator is not the same as the others .