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Circumference is pi * diameter, or pi * 2 * radius, so if you are given circumference, then radius = circumference / 2 / pi. Pi is approximately 3.1416

Radius is from the center to the edge. Diameter is twice that (from one edge, through the center to the other edge). Radius = Diameter / 2, so if you're given Diameter, then just divide by 2.

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Q: How can you find the radius with the given measurement?
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How do you find the radius if you are given the radius?

I guess you mean:"How do you find the radius if you are given the diameter?"You take the diameter and divide it by 2.

How do you find the radius if circumference is given?

Divide the circumference by 2PI to find the radius. ( C = 2PI*Radius)

How do you find the radius if the diameter is given?

the radius is half the diameter

How do you find radius when given a diameter?

The radius is half the diameter.

How do you find the diameter of a circle given the radius?

Double the radius

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The question is meaningless. A radius is not a measurement unit. A radius can be thousands of miles or thousandths of a mile.

How do you find a radius if the diameter is given?

divide diameter by 2 = radius

When given the radius of a circle how do you find the diameter?

You times the radius by 2.

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The diameter of the semicircle will be twice the radius.

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The radius of a cylinder given only the height could be anything you like.

If you are given a radius and asked to find the diameter what do you do?

You just multiply the given radius by 2. That is diameter is just double of the radius. This is universal formula.

How do you find radius when given volume?

At first my friend, you haven't stated of what kind of body are you looking to find the radius.