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if the substance of the element has greater density you can make it float by carving it out so weight over volume of the object is lighter in effective density

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Q: How can you make a substance with greater density greater than water float?
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What can you infer about density of a substance floats in water?

You can infer very little about the density of the substance. Ships made of steel, with a density much greater than that of water, can float.

Why is density needed to know whether a substance will float or sink in water?

It's actually pretty easy. If the density of the substance is higher than the density of water, the object will sink. If the density of the substance is lower than the density of water, the object will float. Be aware though that various substances may have dissolved into the water, thus changing its density. For example, seawater has a different density than fresh water.

How do you know if a substance will float on water if you only know its density?

If the density of a substance is less than the density of water (1 g/cm^3), then it is likely to float. If the density is greater than 1 g/cm^3, it will likely sink. However, the shape and size of the substance can also affect its buoyancy, so it's important to consider other factors as well.

Why does a icebreg float?

water is the only substance on earth where its density is HIGHER when liquid, and LOWER when solid. a substance will float on top of another if its density is lower than the other substance. so because the ice has a LOWER density it will float on top of the water

Why does a coin sink and a boat float?

An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.

What happens if density of a solid substance is more than liquid?

It sinks in the liquid. A steel bolt has a density greater that that of water. Drop it in water, it sinks.

Determines if an object will float or sink in a fluid?

Density. An object will float in a substance if its density is less than the density of the substance. The density of water is 1 kg /L or 1 g/ cm3. Anything with a density less than this will float.

Can the density of 0.770 will the substance float in water?

No it will not float because water is .01 and anything heaver will sink.

Why does tomato sink in water?

You must compare the densities of the object and whatever substance you are putting it in. If the density of an object is greater than the substance it is in, then the object will not float on the surface Tomatoes are denser than water

Which things float on water and which sinks into it?

Objects whose aggregate density is less than the density of water float in it. Objects whose aggregate density is greater than the density of water sink in it.

How can density be used to predict whether on object will float you sink in water?

Because that's how life is. If the density is greater than the density of water it will sink. If less, it will float.

Why does colored sugar float in water?

any substance (colored or not) with a density less than 1 will float on water