

How can you use 2x10 to find 4x10?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How can you use 2x10 to find 4x10?
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Mutiply the digits and add the powers and so (4*10^4)(2*10^5) = 8*10^9

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Area = length * width width = 4*102 length = 2*103 Area = 4*102*2*103 = 8*105

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2x10=2x10to the first power

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No, they are not equivalent. 2x10 = 20 and 5x25 = 125.

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6-2x10 is equal to -14.

Does 2 plus 2 equals 5 in a scientific notation?

No. Scientific notation is a way of expressing very large or very small digits as factors of ten (a sort of numeric abbreviation). Ie: 2x10^8 (two times ten to the eighth power) is the same as 2x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10, or 200000000, or conversely 2x10^-8 (two times ten to the negative 8th) is .000000002 A number in scientific notation does not change the way the math is performed. Addition, subtractio, multiplication and division will still give the same answers. In direct relation to your question, 2+2 in scientific notation would be (2x10^0) x (2x10^0) and it would equal 4 (or 4x10^0)



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Write 567.23 as a sum ANSWER: 5x102 + 6x101 + 7x100 + 2x10-1 + 2x10-2

How do you write 567.23 as a sum?

Write 567.23 as a sum ANSWER: 5x102 + 6x101 + 7x100 + 2x10-1 + 2x10-2

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