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A circle has no straight edges.

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Q: How can you use circle in a sentence?
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How do you use circle in a verb sentence?

Circle the wagons!

How do you use great circle in a sentence?

A circle on the surface of a sphere that has the same radius as the sphere.

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this is a square this is a circle this is aentangle

How do you use the word circle in a sentence?

" A circle is a 2D shape which has no corners." "She drew a circle in the piece of paper." There are many more.

How do you use trisect in a sentence?

SENTENCE: It is difficult to equally trisect a circle. hope this helps :D

How do you use antarctic circle in a sentence?

The Antarctic Circle is the region in the Southern Hemisphere surrounding the South Pole.

How do you use diameter in a sentence?

Bob tried to find the diameter of the circle.

Use the word diameter in a sentence?

In a circle, the radius is half of the diameter.

How could you use the word circle in a sentence?

They made a circle with the wagons to protect the animals. The compass made a perfect circle in the middle of the page.

How do you use the word focal point in a sentence?

The focal point of a circle is the center.

How can you use the word circle graph in a sentence?

A Circle Graph is a circle chart that shows the percentage of people choosing differ things from different kinds of topics.

Is blue circle a simple sentence or 2 word phrase?

'Blue circle' could be a sentence but it is unlikely. A dolphin named BLUE could be asked to circle, thus a noun and verb. The more likely use of 'blue circle' is an adjective and noun. 'Look at the blue circle he drew on the page.'