

Best Answer

6 is 1.5 times 4.

48 is 1.5 times 32.

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Q: How can you use the fact that 4 times 8 32 to find 6 times 8?
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How can you use the fact that 4x8 equals 32 to find 6x8?


How can you use the fact that 4x8 32 to find 6x8?

Yes, since they are all factors. Just add 32 + 16. ~ add 16 because 8+8

How can you use 2 times 8 to find 4 times 8?

You can use 2*8 to find 4*8 by solving 2*8, then multiplying it by 2. This is equivalent to 4*8, or 32.

How many times does a 32 going to 168?

If you take 168 and divide it by 32, you will find that 32 goes into 168 5.25 times.

How do you find the percent of 12 of 32?

It is: 12/32 times 100 = 37.5%

What is a multiplication fact that can help you with 8x4?

The fact is that 8 x 4 = 32. You'll just have to memorize it. AND Lear your eight times table and your four times table, both will give you the answer.

What is 32 times 32 times 32 times 32?

32 x 32 x 32 x 32 = 1048576

What multiplacation problem can help you find 32divided by 4?


What times 3 gives you 96?

Question: ? x 3 = 96 To find '?', you take the answer (96) and use the opposite mathematical operation, which in this case is division. 96 / 3 = 32 Thus, 32 x 3 = 96 So the answer would be 32.

How many times smaller is 4 than 32?

4 is 8 times smaller than 32. You can find this simply by dividing 32 by 4, which would give you 8. You can also check your answer by multiplying 4 and 8 to make sure it results in 32, because 32 it 8 times greater than 4 (and 4 times greater than 8).

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Does 16 times 2 32?

yes you can also use a calculator