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This depends what you define as a "Letter". Are you stricly talking about the 26 characters in the alphabet [a-z], or do you consider "A" not the same as "a"?

If capitalization matters, we now have 52 possible values for the first character. What about numeric digits [0-9]? If they count, there are 62 possible values for each character. Maybe some special characters can be used, but we won't delve into those.

Therefore, if the length of your string is 6 "Letters" and each letter may be any one of 62 values... use the following calculation:

(62) x (62) x (62) x (62) x (62) x (62) = 56,800,235,584 total combinations

Hypothetically if you could not use the same character twice, you would have less possible combinations:

62! - 56! is the same as:

(62) x (61) x (60) x (59) x (58) x (57) = 44,261,653,680 total combinations

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Q: How could you find the number of different combinations of 6 letters in a computerpassword?
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How could you find the number of different combinations of six letters in a computer password?

When trying to work out how many different combinations there are, you need to know how many options there are for each value. If the password only contains lower case letters, then we have 26 options for each value. For each letter in the password, there are 26 options, so the total number of possible options is 26x26x26x26x26x26 or 266 This equals 308,915,776 so there are 308,915,776 possible different combinations of six letters.

A keycode must contain 2 letters and 3 numbers. The letters may be any letter of the alphabet. The numbers should be any number from 0 to 9. How many different keycode combinations are there?

676,000 but I don’t know why

How many different 2 number combinations are with 243?

Three combinations: 23, 24 and 34

How many possible combinations of three letters are there?

Say you have the letters A,B, and C. Here are all the possible combinations. * ABC * ACB * BAC * BCA * CAB * CBA So, 6 if you don't repeat any of the letters. If you DO repeat letters, then simply take the number of letters you have, (3 for instance), and multiply it to the power of the number of letters you have. So, for 3 letters, the formula would be 33 . Or if you had 4 letters it would be 44 and so on.

Is there more words than numbers or more words?

No there actually more combinations that we can make with numbers than letters. That's not actually true, since there are more letters than numerals, but every combination of numerals is a number and there are an infinite number of them, whereas, not all combinations of letters actually make words--there is only a finite number of words.

Related questions

How do you find the number of combinations of 6 letters?

The number of combinations of 6 letters is 6! or 720.

How many license plate combinations from 3 digits followed by 3 letters?

There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.

How could you find the number of different combinations of 6 letters in a computer password?

there are 36 different combination possibilities. Try them all.

How could you find the number of different combinations of six letters in a computer password?

When trying to work out how many different combinations there are, you need to know how many options there are for each value. If the password only contains lower case letters, then we have 26 options for each value. For each letter in the password, there are 26 options, so the total number of possible options is 26x26x26x26x26x26 or 266 This equals 308,915,776 so there are 308,915,776 possible different combinations of six letters.

How many 4 number combinations are there in the numbers 0 to 5?

The first digit can be one of five integers (1 to 5) The second - fourth digits one of six integers (0 to 5). So: number of (valid) combinations is 5*6*6*6=1080 * * * * * This gives the number of permutations, not combinations. I am working on the latter.

How many possible combinations of 3 letters can you make?

As there are 26 letters in the alphabet. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying 26x26x26, giving you the answer 17576.

How many 3 letter combinations?

17,576 possible combinations * * * * * Not quite! This is the total number of permutations of 3 letters out of 26. AAB is counted as being different from ABA or BAA. But these are the same combinations. Thus there are 26 combinations of just one letter. 26*25 combinations of two letters and 26*25*24/(3*2*1) of three. In all, that makes 26 + 650 + 2600 = 3276

How many combinations can you make with 2 letters?

Assuming you are using the standard English alphabet, the number of combinations you can make are: 26 x 26 = 676 combinations.

How many different number combinations are in the world?

Since a number can have infinitely many digits, there are infinitely many possible combinations.

How many different ways can you arrange the numbers 1 to 5?

3125 i think...There are 5 numbers.(It can be any five, say 9,7,6,2,1)To write them in different combinations you will do it in n! (factorial n) number of ways.n! = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 different combinations.Even if the numbers were replaced by say A,B,C,D,E (or any 5 different letters or numbers) then it will still be 120 combinations for those 5 letters or numbers.

A keycode must contain 2 letters and 3 numbers. The letters may be any letter of the alphabet. The numbers should be any number from 0 to 9. How many different keycode combinations are there?

676,000 but I don’t know why

How many different 2 number combinations are with 243?

Three combinations: 23, 24 and 34