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Indian numerals came to be called Hindu- Arabic numerals for many reasons. Some of those reasons are because they were originated from India where they were using the numerals for 1 to 9 for more than 2,000 years. Arab traders then brought these numerals to the West, As a result, we call them Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals.

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Q: How did Indian numerals come to be called Hindu-Arabic numerals?
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How did Indian numerals come to called Arabic numerals?

Indian numerals came to be called Hindu- Arabic numerals for many reasons. Some of those reasons are because they were originated from India where they were using the numerals for 1 to 9 for more than 2,000 years. Arab traders then brought these numerals to the West, As a result, we call them Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals.

How did Indian numerals come to be called Arabic numerals?

Indian numerals came to be called Hindu- Arabic numerals for many reasons. Some of those reasons are because they were originated from India where they were using the numerals for 1 to 9 for more than 2,000 years. Arab traders then brought these numerals to the West, As a result, we call them Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals.

Why are your numbers 1 to 9 known as Arabic numerals?

Because they come from the Hindu-Arabic numeral system developed by Indian mathematicians.

Where did Arabic numerals come from?

it was first in IndiaAnswer:The Arabic numerals (the ones we use today) are were developed by Indian mathematicians.Persian mathematicians in India passed them on to the Arabs further west.They were transmitted to Europe in the Middle Ages.Each group that used them changed their shape.

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Where did the numerals 1-9 come from?

The numerals 1-9 came from India.

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