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Q: How did Rene Descartes proved the existence of the body?
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What is Rene Descartes compromise?

his certainty of his mind rather than body

Was René Descartes a dualist?

This is a math category and Rene Descartes is a Philosopher... And yes, he is a dualist. Most famously for the mind/body problem...

Who proposed the idea involving a distinction between the spiritual mind and the physical body?

Rene Descartes

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Rene Descartes

What are Descartes beliefs?

Rene Descartes is most noted for his important work in both mathematics and philosophy. His most important philosophical work was the concept of Dualism, or the idea that the body and soul are separate parts of the person.

What was Rene descartes major contribution to psychology?

Rene Descartes helped form the early ideas of psychology, before psychology was an established field. His most important contribution to modern psychology is probably the idea of the mind and body being separate entities, which has major implications for why and how we experience emotions.

What are the contributions of Rene Descartes in psychology?

The field of psychology looks at the relationship between the physical body and the way that our mind works. Descartes helped bridge that gap between science and philosophy in his exploration of mind body dualism theory, especially in his last work, "Passions of the Soul".

Discuss Rene Descartes' metaphysical dualism as opposed to both monism and pluralism?

Descartes' dualism stated that the mind and body were distinct and occupied different planes of reality. A monism theory of reality believes that there is only one reality, and would state that the mind and body are connected. Pluralism believes that there are many realities, not just two, so the mind and body might be distinct, but there would also be other planes of reality.

What did Rene descartes contribute to psychology?

By separating science from religion, Descartes allowed scientists to focus on their work without fear of a heresy trial. This theory has impacted psychology placed the study of the mind outside the realm of science and made it either be approached in a purely mechanical view of behavior or include the subject to be studied but not under science.

Did descartes believe that the mind and body were linked together?

Descartes believed that the nature of the mind was completely separate from the nature of the body. This concept formed the dualism philosophy.

What phrase did Rene' Descartes say?

He is most famous for "I think therefore I am."He came up with this while trying to get rid of everything that we assume. He wanted the most basic fact; something that doesn't arise out of other facts. This is what he found to be the most basic fact that couldn't be disputed.He figured even if he his body, senses, etc were all lying to him, at the very least if he was contemplating his existence, then he must exist. Because something must be thinking.

Why is descartes certain the mind and body cannot be parts of the same entity?

Descartes is certain that the mind and body cannot be parts of the same entity because of different functionality.