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does any body know the answer of this question: § "How was geographic location important to economic, social, and political development of ancient Rome?"

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Q: How did economic geographic and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775?
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What are the factors that encourage the growth of slavery?

Social, Economic, Geographic

Why is economic man an important geographic and economic theory?

It must be, it's your final exam question. Are you that lazy?

What was the most important economic enterprise in the American colonies?

The most important economic enterprise in the American colonies was the lumber industry. The American colonies traded many goods including cotton and tobacco.

What are the three groups of colonies in America?

Pilgrams, Christopher Columbus, Kelleher Michelin

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The resultant geographic change after World War 1 caused economic degradation for some countries and growth for others. Countries like Germany that lost many large territories and colonies lost important sources of raw materials for their industries.

The most important economic enterprise in the colonies was?

The most important enterprises were different in separate colonies. Agriculture empires were the most important and different colonies farmed different crops and traded with the others.

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Colonies were important in the mercantile economic systems because they were markets in which to buy products from the home country.

What were the economic endeavors of the middle colonies?

Shipbuilding, fishing and small manufacturing services were the main types of economic endeavors that took place during the Middle Colonies. Agriculture was also important to the economics of the middle Colonies.

How did the homestead act help encourage economic growth?

how did the homestead act encourage economic growth

What were the jobs in the southern colonies?

Agriculture was the major economic activity in the southern colonies. The most important crops were tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton, the latter especially in the Deep South.

What were the geographic and economic differences between the New England Middle and Southern colonies?

The soils and climates of these three different colony groups were different. New England colonies were in regions were soil was not as fertile as in the Middle colonies. Similarly, the climate in the Southern colonies was warmer and the crops raised were rice, tobacco, and indigo. The economies of these colonies was crop based. The Middle colonies grew many different types of grains.

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