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Q: How did the concept of separate sphere?
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What was one result of the concept of separate sphere?

women were kept out of public activities

What was expected of women according the concept of separate sphere?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes

How sis the concept of separate sphere affect women?

The concept of separate spheres relegated women to the domestic realm, limiting their opportunities for education, employment, and participation in public life. Women were expected to focus on marriage, motherhood, and running the household, while men held power and influence in the public sphere. This perpetuated gender inequality and restricted women's autonomy and rights.

What did the development of the early nineteenth century concept of separate spheres for the sexes encourage?

The concept of separate spheres for the sexes encouraged the idea that women should primarily focus on domestic duties and child-rearing within the private sphere of the home, while men should focus on public life and work outside the home. This division reinforced traditional gender roles and limited women's participation in the public sphere, such as politics and paid employment.

What accounting concept or principle provide guidance related to separate personal account with business account?

the accounting concept that separate the personal account from the business account is business separate entity concept

Rights relate to the citizen as an actor or participant in the public sphere?

Personal rights relate the individual as a private entity, separate from the public sphere.

Business entity concept?

According to this concept, business is treated as a unit separate and distinct from its owner.

What is separate determination concept?

The concept that the amount of each asset or liability should be determined separately

What concept of separate self with toddlers develop is referred to?


What was the result of the concept of separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

What was on result of the concept of separate spheres?

women were kept out of public activities

The concept of a separate self which toddlers develop is referred to as?

Answer B: Autonomy