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Guess and check used to be called trial and error. If you look at 645 and realize that 400 and 245 differ by 155, you know you're only four away. So you try 398 and 247 and there you are.

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Q: How did you get the answer for what 2 numbers have a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?
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What 2 numbers have a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?

645 - 151 = 494 494 / 2 = 247 247 + 151 = 398 Which means: 398 + 247 = 645 and 398 - 247 = 151

What two numbers have a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?

247 + 398 = 645398 - 247 = 151Therefore the two numbers which add together to make 645 and have a difference of 151 are 247 and 398.

What two numbers form a sum of 645 and a difference of 151?

398 and 247.

What tow n umbers have a sum of 645 a difference of 151?

a + b = 645 a - b = 151 Add: 2a = 796 a= 398, making b = 247

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Let the two numbers be represented by 'a' and 'b'. Then, a + b = 645 And a - b = 151............adding these two eqations together gives :- 2a = 796 : a = 398..........and b = 645 - 398 = 247 (or b = 398 - 151 = 247).

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The sum is 150*151/2 = 11,325

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Sum means adding so the sum is 645 + 10 = 655. Hope it helped!

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Difference. A sum is the result of adding two numbers, and a difference is the result of subtracting two numbers.

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Two numbers with a sum of 4 and a difference of 9 are -6.5 and 2.5.