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Q: How did you get your current number system?
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What is the difference between the Mayan number system and our current number system?

Their number system was based on 20 instead of 10. Their number system was based on three characters instead of 10 characters.

What were some similarities between our current number system and the Egyptian number system?

the way they represent one is a line (|)...

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How was it that your current number system became needed?

because of the trade between countries

What were more accomplishments of India and its use today?

The current number system that we use is originally from India.

What is the difference between Hindu-Arabic and Babylonian number systems?

Hindu-Arabic is our current number system while Babylonian numbers are an ancient number system which uses base 60 and uses only two symbols.

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IOS8 stands for Internet Operating System. The number 8 recognizes the current number of the operating system, meaning that there were previously 7 other operating systems made before the 8th was released.

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The strongest current in a river system is in the main flow. There is less current in eddies and backwaters.

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How do you get your serial number for your iPod?

if ur iPid is blocked , just uninstall the current iOS system and install new one