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The result you obtained during measurement is in mg element per liter of the solution examined. If you've measured original sample, without any previous preparation and/or dilution, the result obtained is the final one (mg/L = ppm). If you've prepared your sample prior to analysis, some additional calculation is needed.

Assume, that you digested 500 mg of the soil in acid, and the final volume of your sample is 25 ml. The solution was measured on ICP-AES and 0.5 mg/L Cu was found. How much Cu the soil contains?

25000 microliter / 500 mg (or 25 ml / 0.5 g) = 50. This is your dilution factor. Multiply your measured result by this factor

0.5 mg/L Cu * 50 = 25 mg Cu per 1 kg of the soil.

Of course, if you diluted your digested sample during the measurement, this dilution factor also must be taken into account.

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