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The closer the contour lines the steeper the slope.

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Q: How do contour lines determine which area of an island has the steepest slope?
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How do contuor lines help you to determine the area of an island has the steepest slope?

The area with the steepest slope is the area where the contour lines are bunched closest together.

How could you find the steepest slope by looking at contour lines?

each contour line represents an equal value, so the closer the lines the steeper the slope

What On topographic maps contour lines that are close together indicates?

The steeper the slope, the contour lines go further along the area. You can also determine the flatness of the area with these lines.

What do hachures on a contour indicate?

Hachure lines are a form of representation for showing the contours on a map. They point towards the steepest part of the slope. Hachure lines are an old form of showing relief, and less useful, scientifically, than contour lines.

Which side of the land on the map is steepest. A.North side B.East side C.West side D.South side?

Maps don't work like that. The steepest land could be anywhere. You must view the contour lines and follow them to find what is steep or not.

Do closely spaced contour lines indicate a steep slope?

A contour line (also known as isopleth) on a topographic map connects points of equal elevation or depth. The steepest way up or down is in the direction perpendicular to the contour line at any given point. This gradient on a topographic map is at its greatest when the lines are close together, thus the slope is steepest. Note that a contour map does not have to be topographic. Any value mapped in two or three dimensions such as temperature, barometric pressure, or wind speed can have contour lines connecting adjacent points of equal value. Again, moving away from a contour line in a perpendicular direction will yield the greatest change in the value of the quality being recorded.

How do you determine the elevation of unlabled contour lines?

The distance in height between contour lines should be stated in the map's legend. If the contours are stated in the legend as being 50 metres apart, then count the lines upwards from a contour that has a height against it, and multiply by the number of unlabelled lines.

How does index contour lines differ from other contour lines?

index contour lines have numbers contour lines dont

How do you find the contour interval on the map?

Notice the pattern around that contour line. Then determine the interval that the surrounding contour lines are increasing or decreasing by. Ex. 50 100 150 200, the contour interval would then be 50

What determined a steep slope on a contour map?

the lines tha determine you, consider and think about ones comment

How do contour lines show elevation?

The darker contour lines on map are called index contour lines. Numbers that indicate elevations are often written on these lines.

What is the definition of hachured contour lines?

Hachured contour lines are contour lines with ticks pointing downslope that indicate a depression on a topographic map.