

How do planes stay in the air?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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10y ago

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As an aircraft's wing moves through the air at speed the air on top of the wing is forced to follow a longer path than the air moving underneath the wing [due to the spahe of the wing]

This reduces air pressure on the upper surface of the wing and creates lift.

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Can air planes fly?

No... planes stay airborne because the air flowing on the underside of the wing is moving faster than the air flowing over the top of the wing. Without air movements - the plane cannot fly.

Can planes fly without air?

No... planes stay airborne because the air flowing on the underside of the wing is moving faster than the air flowing over the top of the wing. Without air movements - the plane cannot fly.

was planes or jets invented first?

Planes. before they could master the creation of jets they first had to find out how to stay in the air using a motor and a frame light enough to glide through the air.

Which was invented first jets or planes?

Planes. before they could master the creation of jets they first had to find out how to stay in the air using a motor and a frame light enough to glide through the air.

How do planes stay in the air and keep flying?

Because the air-pressure under their Wings is greater than the air-pressure above their Wings. See the aero-foil.

Do planes have gravity?

Planes are pulled down by gravity, just like everything else. But at the same time, they're wings are being pushed up by air pressure, so the forces balance out and they stay up in the air.

What temperature does a planes jets get to?

The engines actually stay relitively cool because of the constant flow of cold air in them.

What kind of flights can stay in air?

This question is in the wrong area. But usually commercial jets,private planes, all types of aircraft.

Do planes stop in the air?

Some planes do like a harier it could stop in the air

Who buys air planes from Canada?

It depends if you mean private planes or commercial or passenger planes. For passenger planes I think Air Canada would probably buy planes though I am not sure and I am sure there would be others.

Why do you need paper air planes?

Paper air planes are source of fun and and interest to most kids. There are many different kinds of paper air planes that you can make. It depends on where and how that you want them to fly