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I would not expect them to have much if any effect at all, since your list is empty.

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Q: How do these parameters affect the period of a pendulum?
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How do the parameters of a simple pendulum affect the period of a pendulum?

The period increases as the square root of the length.

How does height affect the period of a pendulum?

Height does not affect the period of a pendulum.

What are the physical parameters in the investigation of a simple pendulum?

The physical parameters of a simple pendulum include (1) the length of the pendulum, (2) the mass of the pendulum bob, (3) the angular displacement through which the pendulum swings, and (4) the period of the pendulum (the time it takes for the pendulum to swing through one complete oscillation).

Does amplitude effect the period of a pendulum?

no it doesnt affect the period of pendulum. the formulea that we know for simple pendulum is T = 2pie root (L/g)

Does the bob affect the pendulum's time period?

no ,because they are not the same

Does the length of pendulum affect the period of vibration?

Yes. Given a constant for gravity, the period of the pendulum is a function of it's length to the center of mass. In a higher gravity, the period would be shorter for the same length of pendulum.

Does length of the pendulum affect its period?

Technically and mathematically, the length is the onlything that affects its period.

Does the length of the pendulum affect the number of cycles?

no. it affects the period of the cycles.

What happens to time period of a simple pendulum if a heavy body is attached to it instead of bob?

The period of a simple pendulum is independent of the mass of the bob. Keep in mind that the size of the bob does affect the length of the pendulum.

How does mass affect pendulum frequency?

It doesn't. Only the length of the pendulum and the strength of the gravitational field alter the period/frequency.

What are the factors that affect the period of a pendulum?

In an ideal pendulum, the only factors that affect the period of a pendulum are its length and the acceleration due to gravity. The latter, although often taken to be constant, can vary by as much as 5% between sites. In a real pendulum, the amplitude will also have an effect; but if the amplitude is relatively small, this can safely be ignored.

What effect does shortening the length of the pendulum have on the period of the pendulum?

A shorter pendulum has a shorter period. A longer pendulum has a longer period.