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Q: How do we use lithium in our everyday life?
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What is in everyday use that has lithium?

Batteries for computers, watches.

Do we use lithium in our everyday life?

No. Lithium metal is highly reactive and rather soft. Even if it didn't corrode away rapidly in normal conditions it wouldn't be much use. It is used in some types of battery. Lithium compounds are sometimes used in medicine, particularly as tranquilizers.

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Any use of electrolysis in everyday life of an appartment.

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Polonium is not used in everyday life.

Lithium is an example of?

An alkali metal, group 1.The diagonal relationship on the periodic table - its quite similar to Mg in reactivity.The way people use a shorthand in everyday life which is scientifically incorrect, Lithium is used instead of the proper name e.g. lithium carbonate to describe the medication for bipolar disorder. Lithium metal is highly reactive - just like sodium.

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Some gay kids use it in everyday life... go ask them

Is lithium the medication the same as the element lithium?

Yes, and no. Medical lithium does contain actual lithium, but not in its elemental form. It is given in the form of lithium carbonate an alkaline salt somewhat similar to washing soda (sodium carbonate). Lithium compounds such as this are usually stable and relatively benign. As an element lithium is a soft, light, and highly reactive metal. This reactivity makes elemental lithium impractical and even dangerous for everyday use.

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