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The fastest and surest way to do that is to have a calculator that has a fraction button.

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Q: How do you add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators without finding a common denominator?
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How do you subtract fractions with unequal denominators?

by finding the common denominator of the fractions

How is finding the LCM revelant when adding and subtracting fractions?

To add and subtract fractions, you need common denominators. To find the common denominator, find the LCM of the denominators you wish to add or subtract.

How do you subtract fractions with different denominators?

By finding their lowest common denominator by means of their lowest common multiple

How do you use prime factorization to subtract fractions in math?

Finding the prime factorizations of the denominators will help you find the least common denominator. Converting to equivalent fractions with like denominators will allow you to subtract them successfully.

How do you subtract fractions without alike denominators?

Convert unlike fractions to equivalent fractions with common denominators by finding the LCM of the denominators.

How do you subtract fractions when denominator is different?

By finding the lowest common denominator of the fractions.

How can the greatest common factor and least common multiple help you work with fractions?

Finding the GCF of the numerator and the denominator of a fraction and dividing them both by it will give you the simplest form of that fraction. Finding the LCM of unlike denominators and converting them to it will make it possible to add and subtract unlike fractions.

What is the first step to finding the lowest common denominator of two fractions?

The first step in finding the lowest common denominator of two fractions is to multiply the two denominators. Then you see if there are any smaller numbers that are divisible by both denominators.

How do you subtract mixed factions?

By finding their lowest common denominator and then alter the numerator and denominator of the given fractions accordingly

Why do you need like denominators to add and subtract fractions?

Finding a common denominator makes it possible to add two fractions because it allows us to write each fraction as a multiple of a common (usually smaller) fraction. Subtracting fractions works the same way; find a common denominator so that the fractions involved are in the same terms.

What are the steps to finding the mean of 2 fractions?

first you have to find the common denominator and make the 2 fractions denominators the same then you add them and divide them

Why is it helpful to write a number as a product of prime?

When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators finding the prime product of each denominator helps in finding the lowest common denominator of the given fractions by their lowest common multiple.