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You don't actually add items to a LayoutManager object. You should set the layout of the Container you want to add your Components to and the GridLayout will put them where they need to be.

Container myContainer = new Container();

int numRows = 3;

int numCols = 2;

GridLayout myLayoutManager = new GridLayout(numRows, numCols);


// Add some JButtons to the container...

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("1"));

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("2"));

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("3"));

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("4"));

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("5"));

myContainer.add(new JButtons ("6"));

Your final component will look something like the following:

| 1 | 2 |

| 3 | 4 |

| 5 | 6 |

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Q: How do you add items in GridLayout in Java?
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