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Terms like 2x and 4x2 are not like terms. In order for terms to be like terms, they must have the exact same variables with the exact same exponents on them. This means that 5x3 and 7x3 are like terms, but 2x and 4x2 are not. To add or subtract like terms, simply add or subtract the coefficients (the numbers in front) and keep the variable part the same. For example, 5x3 + 7x3 = (5 + 7)x3 = 12x3, and 3x2 + 6x2 = (3 + 6)x2 = 9x2. But, since 2x and 4x2 are not like terms, 2x + 4x2 = 2x + 4x2. It just cannot be simplified any more than that.

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Q: How do you add like terms with squared variables for example 2x plus 4x2?
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What does like terms mean?

Like terms are terms with the same variable to the same power. Examples: 2y and 3y are like terms. 2y and 2z are not like terms 4y squared and 3y squared are like terms 4y squared and 3y are not like terms

Definition of like terms?

Like terms in mathematical problems are two variables that are the same. An example is 3x, x, 76x; because they all share x, they are like terms.

What are liked terms?

Like terms are terms that contain the same variables raised to the same power. Here is an example: 123xyz and 575676xyz. Like terms can be combined by adding the numerical coefficients, for example , 5x+6x+15x=26x

How do you subtract like variables with different exponents?

You can't. You can only subtract like terms. Like terms must have exactly the same variables and exponents on the variables.

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Like Terms

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Like terms.

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like terms

What is a term whose variables and exponents are the same?

These terms are called like terms.For example: x and 2x are like terms.But: x3 and 4x2 are not like termsbecause although the variables are the same, the exponents are different.

Like terms are either or they are terms with the same that have the same?

Like terms are terms that have the same combination of variables.

What are facts about like terms?

terms whose variables are the same.

What are the terms that include the same variable?

There is no simple answer. For example 3x^2y and 4 xy^2 have the same variables, x and y. But there is no name for such two terms.

How do you do this problem 8x squared 3x squared (not quadatric)?

They are like terms and can be added together as 11x squared