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Hammer piston velocity is: Velocity of an pneumatic cylinder can be calculated as s = 28.8 q / A (1) where s = velocity (inches/sec) q = volume flow (cubic feet/min)A = piston area (square inches) Do you know how to calculate the impact PSI? - This is where I get lost.

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Q: How do you calculate impact Energy for Pneumatic Hammers or how to calculate the Hammer piston velocity?
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No. That's only one of several possibilities. -- with initial velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with final velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with force and mass, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final momentum, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final kinetic energy, you can calculate acceleration -- with mass, velocity at either end, and kinetic energy at the other end, you can calculate acceleration And I'm sure there are several more that I've missed.

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Kinetic energy = (1/2) (mass) (velocity squared)Divide each sideby (velocity squared/2): Mass in kg = ( 2 x energy in joules) / (velocity in m/s) squared

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How do you convert mechanical energy into pneumatic energy?

Example: A bicycle tire pump uses mechanical energy (your body) and converts it into pneumatic energy (air out of the hose).

What is the equation to calculate the stored energy for a pneumatic test for vessel?

ASME PCC-2 Part 5, Article 5.1 Mandatory Appendix II has the calculation to calculate stored energy (in ft-lbs), and converting to equivalent pounds of TNT.

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Calculate the initial potential energy (PE = mgh). Assume that all of this gets converted to kinetic energy, and solve for velocity (KE = 0.5 mv2).

Does potentail energy have an influence on the final velocity of a falling object?

yes it does. u can calculate the final velocity of the falling object with the following eqn: initial potential energy= final kinetic energy or mgh = 1/2mv2 where m=mass, h = height,v=final velocity

The formula half the mass times the velocity squared is used to calculate what type of energy?

that is kinetic energy

What measurement is not needed to calculate the kenetic energy?

Kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x velocity2 So you just need mass of the object and its velocity.