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You divide the speed by the distance and divide the time unit by the result

If I travel 10 miles at 30 miles an hour,

30 ÷ 10 = 3

One hour divided by 3 = 20 minutes

It took me 20 minutes to travel 10 miles if I went t 30 mph

-Speed is defined as distance divided by time, thus meters/second. therefore, speed = distance / time. given speed and distance, it's a simple algebraic problem by putting in the values for speed and distance, for example 10m/s for speed and 10m for distance. that makes 10=10/time. Some simple distribution gives you time = 1, which is true given that you go 10m in one second while going 10m per second.

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Distance over time.

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How do you calculate time from speed and distance?

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Speed=Distance(time) So you would plug in what you know and solve so if your speed is 5 and your time is ten you have traveled 10 units

How do you calculate the speed time and distance?

Speed times Time = Distance

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Speed = distance divided by time

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The equation used to calculate the distance something travels is given below . we know, speed = distance /time . distance = speed X time in meters /km /or any other unit of length.

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How to calculate speed of car from distance and time?

Speed = Distance divided by Time

What is the formula for instantaneous speed?

calculate the distance traveled by the time taken

How to calculate time?

time=distancedividedby speedbecause speed= distance divided by time and distance= speed*time

How do you calculate exact speed?

You can calculate a speed by dividing a distance by the time it takes to cover that distance. If you want the instantaneous speed (for situations of variable speed), you need to calculate the distance and time for a fairly short time interval (ideally, the limit, when the time approaches zero).