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Q: How do you change 5 quarters to mixed numbers?
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How do you change 0.4 into a mixed number in simplest form?

It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than 1. This is 2/5

How do you change improper numbers into mixed?

Divide the denominator into the numerator, and voila! Example: 7/5= 1 2/5 one and two fifths.

How do you multiply a mixed number by a mixed number?

You have to change both mixed numbers into improper fractions: ex: 5 3/4 x 2/5= 23/4 x 2/5 (you multiplied 5 times 4 and then added three to your answer-20 and left the deominator as 4)

How do you write 1 on 5 as a mixed number?

1/5 can't be a mixed number. Mixed numbers are greater than one.

What is 12 over 5 in mixed numbers?

2 and 2/5

What is the answer for 23 over 5 in mixed numbers?

4 3/5

How do you subtract mixed numbers and borrow from the whole number?

you subtract mixed numbers by changing them to improper fractions. to borrow from a whole number you take away one like 5 changes to 4 and then you change look to the other mixed number your subtracting by and write its denominator as 4s denominator.

What are mixed numbers between 4 and 6?

4 5/6, 5 1/12, 5 9/10 etc. we could make an infinite amount of mixed numbers for this

What is 2.40 in mixed numbers?

It is 2 and 2/5

What is one and quarter mixed number as an improper fraction?

one is 4 quarters, so 5/4

How do you draw a model for mixed numbers?

4 3 - =19 5 - 5

How do you change mixed number to lowest terms?

First you make them into improper fractions. E.g 2 4/10 = 24/10 Then you simplify them. E.g 24/10 = 12/5 After that youchange them back into mixed numbers. E.g 12/5 = 2 2/5