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Suppose abcde is a binary number. This amounts to 1e+2d+4c+8b+16a so each digit represents the next power of 2, just like in decimal 345 represents 5+4x10+3x100. To convert decimal to binary, keep dividing by 2 and writing down the remainder eg 17: divide by 2 to get 8 with remainder 1: write down 1. Now divide the 8 by 2 to get 4, remainder 0, add that on to get 01. Divide by 2 again: 4 divided by 2 is 2, remainder 0 so you now have 001, divide the 2 by 2 and you get 1 and nothing left: result 1001. Incidentally, using the divide by ten system on 345 you construct the decimal number 345 (fortunately). Try it.

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