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Q: How do you describe how to join triangles to make quadrilaterals?
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How do you use geomitry words to describe how to join triangles to make quadrilaterals?

Any 2 congruent triangles joined together will form a 4 sided quadrilateral

How do you join triangles to make quadrilaterals?

go to math facts dot com go to math facts dot com

How do diagonals of quadrilaterals make a triangle?

They make four triangles, not a triangle.

How do you use geometry words to describe how diagonals of quadrilaterals make triangles in a good fourth grade understandable way in a sentence?

There are 180 degrees in a triangle and 360 degrees in a quadrilateral and its diagonal cuts the quadrilateral into two triangles.

Do all triangles join to make a rhombus?

No, they do not.

How do you make a heptagon using 6 equilateral triangles?

Join the 6 triangles like pizza slices

Use geometry words to describe how diagonals of quadrilaterals make triangles?

All triangles have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees and the 4 interior angles of a quadrilateral add up to 360 degrees but if 2 of its vertices are joined by a diagonal this marks out 2 interior triangles each having 3 interior angles adding to 180 degrees.

What shape is a trapezoid cut in half?

That depends where the cut is made if it's from vertex to vertex it will make 2 triangles otherwise it will make 2 quadrilaterals

How do you make a regular hexagon with 6 equilateral triangles?

Join them together

What quadrilateral do you make when you join two scalene triangles together?

you might get a kite if the triangles are the same then you might get a rectangle

Can all triangles join to make rhombus?

Three I think but I'm not 100% sure. :-)

How do you use two right angled triangles to make a parallelogram?

If they are congruent right angle triangles then just join them together side by side to form a parallelogram.