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you divide the numarator to the denomanator

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Q: How do you divide the improper fraction to mixed fraction?
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Related questions

How do you divide a fraction and amixed number?

Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction then divide the fraction and improper fraction as normal (invert the divisor and multiply) and simplify the result (including converting any improper fraction into a mixed number)

Can you divide fractions?

Yes, you can divide fraction untli u make the mixed number into a improper fraction then divide

How do you find the inverse of a mixed number?

change it to an improper fraction and then divide it

How do you divide mixed number with a proper fraction?

turn the fraction upside down and multiplyConvert the mixed number to an improper fraction and multiply it by the reciprocal of the fraction.

How do you change each improper fraction to a mixed numeral?

divide the numerator by the denominator

How do you divide mixed fractions by mixed fractions?

make each fraction a improper fraction the flip the second fraction and multiply straight across then simplify

How do you do an improper fraction as a mixed number?

To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.

What is improper fraction as a mixed number?

To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.

How do you change divide whole number into mixed number?

you have to change it into a improper fraction then divide the numerator into the domnator

How do I divide a mixed fraction and a fraction?

Convert the mixed fraction into an improper fraction and then divide as with any fraction.

How do i turn an improper fraction into a mixed number?

To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.

How do you turn an improper fraction to a fraction?

you divide the top number by the bottom number. boom, there's your mixed number.