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Draw five lines, 72 degrees off from each other, connecting each end to the next line.

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Q: How do you draw a regular pentagon of given side length?
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How do you draw the lines of symmetry on a pentagon?

For a regular pentagon, draw a segment from each vertex to the midpoint of the side length directly opposite, there by cutting it in half.

How do you draw lines of symmetry on a regular pentagon?

well i want to know if you can draw a pentagon with no lines of symmetry?????????

Can you draw a regular pentagon with one diagonal through that pentagon at any two possible points?

A regular pentagon can always be drawn through any two given points with those two points as any two vertices of the pentagon. (Diagonals of a pentagon connect two vertices which are not next to each other.)

What commands to draw pentagon in logo?

to draw-pentagon :length pd seth 126 repeat 5 [ fd :length rt 72 ] end Draws a pentagon "length" pixels on each side, with the turtle originating and terminating at the apex.

Is it possible to tile a floor with copies of a regular pentagon?

yes you can draw a picture to help

How many acute angles does pentagon have?

A regular pentagon has no acute angles. It is possible to draw a pentagon (five sided polygon) where four of the internal angles are acute.

How many angles does a right angles and angles does a pentagon have?

a pentagon has 5 angles. In a regular pentagon, there are no right angles. Each angle is 72 degrees. In a irregular pentagon, there may be right angles...not sure how many..depends on how you draw it

How do you construct an octagon with a given side?

a regular octagon has the same length all sides. so with the given angle draw 8 sides at an angle of 135 degrees from each other

How do you draw a pentagon with no line of symetry?


How many lines of symmetry does a pentagon have?

A regular pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry, running from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. These lines are not to be confused with the five lines it takes to draw a pentagon. Every regular polygon has as many lines of symmetry as there are lines in the polygon.An irregular pentagon may have none or 1 line of symmetry.

Can a pentagon have two right angles?

Yes. It is impossible for a regular pentagon to have two right angles, but quite possible with an irregular pentagon in which the angles are not all equal. The resulting shape looks like how a child would draw a house.

Is it possible to draw a regular polygon with an interior angle of 115 degrades?

No.A regular pentagon has five angles of 108° each.A regular hexagon has six angles of 120° each.There's no regular polygon in between them.