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You mean y-intercept and gradient. For the y intercept you simply look at where the line crosses the y-axis- that's the the vertical one. If it crosses at (0,4) for example the y-intercept is 4 (if (0,6), it's 6 etc.)

For the gradient you have to take two points on the line and do the following sum:

change in y divided by change in x

so if the first point is (3,3) and the second point is (4,8) then you do 8-5=change in y=3

4-3=change in x=1 and 3/1=3 so your gradient is 3.

If you are looking for the equation of a straight line, you then fit it into y=mx+c where m is the gradient and c is the y-intercept.

Hope that helps. =)

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Q: How do you find intercept and slope?
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