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It is impossible, you need height or angles at least

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Q: How do you find the area of a triangle if only the bases is given?
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How do you find the area of a triangle given the area of the other triangle?

A= 1/2(b)(h)

How do you find the area of a triangle if equations are given?

It depends on what equations are given.

How do you find the area of a triangle when the area is given but the base and height are not?

You don't need to find it. From what your question states the area is already given to you.

How do you find the area of a triangle with side lengths?

If you are only given the side lengths of a scalene triangle, it is impossible for you to find for the area, unless you are given more information... like the height of the triangle for example. If this is a right triangle you would like to find the area of, you can multiply the length of each leg with each other, and then divide that product by 2 to conclude the area of the triangle.

How do you find the base of a triangle if the height and area are given?

Divide the area by height then you get the base.

How do you find the base and height of a triangle if you are given the area?

You can't. All you know is that 1/2 of their product is equal to the area, but you can't tell their values. There are an infinite number of triangles with different bases and heights that all have that same area.

How do you find the area of the triangle when the height and the area is given?

The area of the triangle is 1/2*bh. So if you know the height and the base just plug in the values.

How do you find the area of a triangle given the height?

You don't have enough information. But if you have the base and the area, you can solve the equation for the area of the triangle for the height.

How can you find the area of an isosceles triangle when only given the base?

You can't. It is impossible.

How would you find the height of a triangle if you were only given the base and the area?

Divide the area by half the base.

Find the area of the triangle with given dimensions base 4 units?

Area = 2*vertical height

How do you find the lateral area of a scalene triangle without the height?

only solids have "lateral area". triangles have "area". the area of a scalene triangle is given by heron's formula. height not needed.