

Best Answer

-- Find the distance between the endpoint and the midpoint.

-- Double that distance to get the length of the complete segment.

-- When you're finished, sit quietly for a moment and ponder the meaning of "midpoint".

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Q: How do you find the length of the segment if you know an endpoint and the midpoint?
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How do you find the length of a segment when given the endpoint and midpoint?

double the length

How do you find an endpoint if you are given one endpoint and the midpoint?

If you are only given one endpoint and a midpoint, you know what the middle of the line segment is. Since the midpoint is half of what the line segment's length is, all you have to do is find the distance between the endpoint given and the midpoint, then add that coordinate to your midpoint and get your other endpoint. For example: Endpoint A: (4,5) Midpoint: (6,8) Distance between: (2,3) Add (2,3) to (6,8) and get Endpoint B: (8,11).

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There are only three endpoint given and these are not sufficient to define a segment of a line.

How do you find the missing endpoint of a segment with an endpoint and a midpoint?

The direction of missing endpoint is the same as the direction from the known end point to the midpoint. The distance from the midpoint to the missing endpoint is the same as the distance from the known end point to the midpoint. In coordinate geometry it is simple. If the known end point is (p, q) and the mid point is (r, s) then the missing point is (2r - p, 2s - q).

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not enough info

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If you mean endpoints of (0, 0) and (0, 15) then the midpoint is at (0, 7.5)

How do you find the midpoint of a line segment if you know the endpoint?

At the end of the line there needs to be two points. Measure the line and divide by two.

Where do you find a picture of a endpoint for math?

Find the length of the segment with endpoints of (3,2) and (-3,-6).

How do you find an endpoint if you are given the midpoint?

Given only the midpoint you cannot.

How do you find midpoint of a segment?

Take a compass, extend it about 3/4 of the length of the segment. Then from one end of the segment, draw a 180 degree arc. From the other end draw another arc. Connect the points where the arcs intersect. Where the line intersects with the segment is the midpoint of the segment. That is how you bisect a segment to find the midpoint - geometrically.

How to find the midpoint of a segment?

You find the midpoint of a line segment by dividing its length by two. If you are given two sets of 'x' and 'y' coordinates as the endpoints of the segment on a graph, then you need to use the formula [X1 plus X2]/2, [Y1 plus Y2]/2 to find the coordinates of the midpoint.

What are pdiports 64?

Use the midpoint calculator to find out the midpoint of a line segment, which is the point that cuts the segment into two equal parts.