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the mean is all the numbers added together and divided by however many numbers there are, the median is the middle number when in order, the mode is the most common and the range is biggest - smallest... think of it as mOde O= mOst common, mean = just mean as it takes forever to work out medIan= mIddle number and range just think the others are done already so the only one left is biggest - smallest

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Q: How do you find the mean median mode and range of a set of data?
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How can determining the mean and median and range help to analyze your experimental data?

Analyzing the mean, median, and range of your experimental data helps establish patters present in the data set. Analyzing the mean will define the quantitative average, analyzing the median will find the number that is center most, and analyzing the range will find the difference between the largest and smallest number in the data set. Good luck!

Find the mean median modes and range of the data of the numbers 4 4 8 11 12 16 22?

Mean: 11 Median: 11 Mode: 4 Range: 18

Can ypu find the mean and median with data from a histogram?

You can estimate the median and the mean.

What is the mode median mean and range of 65?

The mode, median, and range of a single data point such as 65 are all the data point itself, 65 in this instance.

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How can you find mean median and mode for GROUPED data?

Mean, median and mode are ways to find averages. The mode is the most common answer in a set of data. The median the number that is in the middle when the numbers are put in order. The mean is the statical average.

Why it is useful to fiNd the meaN mediaN aNd mode of a set of data?

when there are extreme values in the data

Can you find the mean median mode and range on a box and whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot cannot identify the mean or mode.

What is the mean median mode and range for 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 9 11?

To find the mean of a set of data, you add up all the values and divide by the amount of values you have. 2+2+2+2+5+6+6+9+11=45 There are 9 values so 45/9=5 The mean is 5. To find the median, you order the data smallest to largest (already done) and take the middle value. There are 9 values, so the median is simply the 5th value, in this case the median is 5. To find the range of the data, you subtract the smallest number from the largest. In this case you do 11-2=9, so the range of the data is 9.

Can you find the mean or median of a set of data from a histogram?

You can estimate them both.

Can you find the mean median of a set of data from a histogram?

You can estimate them both.