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Each angle theta is (n-2)/n) x 180 degrees

The sum of all angles is nx theta = (n-2) x 180

sum = 180 n - 360

sum + 360 = 180 n

n = (sum + 360)/180 = sum/180 + 2

So you divide sum by 180 then add 2

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Q: How do you find the number of sides a polygon has with the sum of the interior angles?
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What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a polygon?

(number of sides-2)*180 = total sum of interior angles

What is the formula for finding the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

(number of sides-2)*180 = sum of interior angles of a polygon

How is the number of sides related to the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

Because; (number of sides-2)*180 = sum of interior angles

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

(number of sides-2)*180 = sum of the interior angles

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The formula for the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is: 180 * (n - 2) where n is the number of sides of the polygon. So the sum of the angles of a polygon with 25 sides is 180 * 23 = 4,140.

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(number of sides -2)*180 = sum of interior angles.

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(number of sides - 2)*180 = total sum of interior angles

What is the formula for sum of the interior angles of a polygon?

It is: (n-2)*180 = sum of interior angles whereas 'n' is the number of sides of the polygon

How many interior angles does a many sided polygon have?

(number of sides -2)*180 = sum of interior angles

What are the number of sides in a polygon if the sum of interior angles is 1080 degress?

8 sides

How do you find the interior sum of the angles of a polygon?

There is no single formulaImproved Answer:-(number of sides -2)*180 = number of the sum of interior angles

As the number of sides increases how do the angles change?

When the sides of a regular polygon increases its interior angles also increases