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You have to rearange the numbers in order, (either from least to greatest or greatest to least) then you have to subtract them from the larger number to the smallest number, and that is your range.  You're welcome!

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Q: How do you find the range in a number line?
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How to find a Data range in a line plot?

You subtract the highest number with x's from the lowest number with x's. the difference is your range.

How can you use range when using a line graph?

All you do is find the largest and smallest number in the data. Then you subtract the small number from the big number.

In mathematics how do you work out the range?

The Range is the distance on the number line that the smallest number is from the biggest number, in sbsolute value. Basically, to find it using math, you would subtract the smallest number in the series of numbers from the largest number in the same series.

H0w do you find the range of a number?

A single number does not have a range so you cannot find it.

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The number can be equal to minus, zero or plus when plotted on the number line and two numbers plotted on the number line can have a range of numerical values.

How do you find the range in data handling?

maximum number-minimum number = range

How do you find the range on a line plot?

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What is the range of the data for plot line?

The largest number minus the smallest number.

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Find the number that is most to the right of the line plot.

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The range of a number set is the difference between the highest number and the lowest number in the set. To find the range, you subtract the smallest number from the largest number.

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MIN is used to find the lowest number in a range. You would use MAX or LARGE to find the highest number in a range.

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