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You can't. The mass is irrelevant to velocity. You need the distance.

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Q: How do you find velocity when given the time and mass?
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How to find potential energy when only mass and velocity time is given?

To get the potential energy when only the mass and velocity time has been given, simply multiply mass and the velocity time given.

How can you find force when given time velocity and mass?

Force equals mass times acceleration.

How can i find velocity when given force and time?

If you have the mass, you can find the acceleration from Newton's Second Law, a=F/m where a is the acceleration, m is the mass, and F is the force. Then the velocity is given by the standard formula v=vo+at where v is the final velocity, vo the velocity at t=0, probably 0 in your case. If so v=at.

What are equations for velocity when given force and mass?

Velocity = (velocity when time=0) + (Force x time)/(mass) ===> F = MA A = F/M V = V0 + A T

How do you find acceleration with given velocity and time?

Time equals velocity divided by acceleration. t=v/a

How do you find a final velocity without distance but given time?

Without distance, you have to know time, initial velocity, and acceleration, in order to find final velocity.

How do you find force given mass and change in velocity Equations please?

There is not enough information. Force = Mass*Acceleration. Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. This requires information on change in velocity as well as the time over which the change took place. There is no information at all on the latter.

How do you find change in momentum over time given constant velocity?

Momentum = (mass) x (velocity vector).Given constant velocity, and assuming that mass doesn't change,there is no change in momentum over time.If there is any change in momentum, it can only be due to a change in mass.It would change in direct proportion to the mass, and the direction of themomentum vector would remain constant, in the direction of the velocity.

How do you find force given velocity time and mass?

Not enough information. You can calculate force by Newton's Second Law, but in this case, there is no way to know how fast the velocity changes - or whether it changes at all.

How do you solve the time by the given of mass and kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is equal to one-half of the product of an object's mass and the square of its velocity. Velocity is change in displacement divided by time. If you have the kinetic energy and mass, you can calculate the velocity by taking the square root of the quotient of kinetic energy and mass, and thereby solving for the velocity.

How do you find acceleration with velocity given?

Use the formula Acceleration = (final velosity - initial velocity)/ time.

How do you find final speed if acceleration time and beginning velocity is given?

(acceleration X time) + beginning velocity = final speed